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Award-Winning Razor – Ad Pulse Monday 25

Hey, Welcome to the 25th edition of Ad Pulse Monday! For those new to this series, every Monday, I select an ad or ads that I believe have performed exceptionally well. I’ll break down their success factors, key takeaways, and...
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Ad Pulse Monday 24 – Data-Driven Beauty

Hey, Welcome to the 24th edition of Ad Pulse Monday! For those new to this series, every Monday, I select an ad or ads that I believe have performed exceptionally well. I’ll break down their success factors, key takeaways, and...
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Weight Loss Drink – Ad Pulse Monday 23

Hey, Welcome to the 23rd edition of Ad Pulse Monday! For those new to this series, every Monday, I select an ad or ads that I believe have performed exceptionally well. I’ll break down their success factors, key takeaways, and...
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How to make money using Facebook ads?

Hey, If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me how quickly they could make money from Facebook ads, I’d be the next billionaire on the block. Jokes aside, I love it when people ask this question! This...
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Clear Skin Champion – Ad Pulse Monday 22

Hey, Welcome to the 22nd edition of Ad Pulse Monday! For those new to this series, every Monday, I select an ad or ads that I believe have performed exceptionally well. I’ll break down their success factors, key takeaways, and...
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6 best newsletters for FB ad marketers in 2024

Hey, The world of Facebook ads changes faster than you think. Luckily, many of the best minds in the business are documenting these changes in real-time. And the best part? They’re sharing their insights straight into our inboxes through their...
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Challenge for Coaches – Ad Pulse Monday 20

Hey, Welcome to the 20th edition of Ad Pulse Monday! For those new to this series, every Monday, I select an ad or ads that I believe have performed exceptionally well. I’ll break down their success factors, key takeaways, and...
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