The psychology behind productivity

The psychology behind productivity🤑


7 freaking months! 😓

This is how much time it took me to write my  eBook on advanced Facebook ads.

I think it took me longer than it should have to complete the book.

I could’ve completed the book sooner. 🤔


I recently launched my  course on advanced Facebook ads marketing , which is an extension to my eBook.

Trust me when I say this, it took my team and me just 7 days to shoot, record, and launch the complete course in the market.

Just 7 days!

(Ps:  I’ll link my Facebook ads course here , do check it out)

How cool is that!😎

I learned from this experience that whatever time we set in our mind for completing a particular task, we make sure to complete it within the due time and sometimes even before.

If we allocate 10 hours for a particular task, we complete it within 10 hours.

Similarly, if we allocate 2 hours for the same task, we’ll be able to complete it within 2 hours.

Now it doesn’t mean that we set unrealistic expectations.

I knew I could shoot and complete the course within seven days, so I did the same. 😌

While for the  book , I had not set any particular deadline, which is why it took me more than half a year to complete it.

So now, when I take up a task, I set a deadline as soon as possible.

(Productivity goes brrrrr… 📈)

But I think there’s a drawback to it.

This technique comes at the cost of perfection.

When we try to complete the task sooner than it should, we lack perfection.

I wanted to launch my course as soon as possible without caring about perfection and I did.

Now that it is up, I will keep on improving with the feedback.

The link to my  Advanced Facebook Ads Course  is this 👇

Do check it out if you’ve read my book; you will love it!

Sannidhya’s Facebook ads HACK of the week:

Major Facebook ads mistakes that we can’t stop committing!

1. Using stale creatives.

Because we are so overwhelmed with the work that we remember doing so when the cost per result has gone off the roof.

Set a task in Asana to put the creative requirement after every week.

At least that’s what I do.

2. Running experiments with wrong objectives.

When we say experiment it means anything and everything.

But one needs to take a call once you know that the experiment is a complete disaster.

Generally, there is a spending limit or a number of impressions.

3. Running CBO on audiences of different size.

I often committed this mistake and always wondered why Facebook isn’t spending money on this audience.

Obviously cursing Facebook was the only option then.

Do let me know which mistake you make that costs you a fortune.

Comment down below, and I’ll try to get back to you within the next 48 hours.

See you next week,
