Boost Your Facebook Ad Game: Master Forecasting, Budgeting, and More! 🚀

Hello, and welcome to this week’s Baweja Buzz!

Facebook ad planning, forecasting, and budgeting can seem like daunting tasks, especially when you’re trying to impress your boss, clients, or even yourself. I understand the struggle, which is why I’ve been hard at work addressing these concerns for you.

Trust me, mastering these skills will not only boost your self-confidence but also elevate your authority in the eyes of your clients. And remember – it’s always better to under-promise and over-deliver.

This week, I’ve also been experimenting with a little something to increase the ‘thumb stop ratio’ of my ads. Now, if you’re wondering what ‘thumb stop ratio’ means, let me enlighten you.

My friend Luke coined this metric to measure the effectiveness of video ads – it’s the ratio of the number of 3-second plays to impressions.

If you’re achieving a 30% thumb-stop ratio, you’re on the right track. Most of my current videos have a ratio below 20%, so to improve this, I’ve shot numerous ad intros that can be attached to my top-performing videos. I’m excited to share the results with you soon!

📹 Buzzing Highlights from My Social Media 📸

This week, I’ve got plenty to share!

Firstly, given that this newsletter’s focus is heavily on video ads, I thought it is fitting to share a carousel I created around the same topic.

Until next time, keep buzzing!


Sannidhya Baweja

The Baweja Buzz