🚀 Going from Red to Green: How We Rescued 20+ Facebook Ad Accounts

Hi there,

Sannidhya Baweja here with another edition of Baweja Buzz, your weekly destination for all things Facebook ads and performance marketing.

This week, believe it or not, felt more like a rest week. Let me clarify, it’s not because we took it easy, but because every single one of our 20+ Facebook ad accounts seemed to take a nosedive.

Come Monday, we were faced with a Facebook ad crisis on a scale we hadn’t seen before.

Usually, when an account’s performance slides, we deploy our arsenal of high-performing creatives, held back just for these scenarios. These are ad creatives from our experimental campaigns that showed promise. However, this time was different, the scale was too overwhelming.

So, what did we do? We hit reset!

Allow me to elaborate. Here’s the thing: just because an ad worked well in an experimental campaign doesn’t mean it’ll work on a larger scale. Additionally, if you’re running lead gen ads, there’s no guarantee that the leads will translate into conversions.

So, instead of pushing ahead with new creatives, we take a step back, way back to 3-4 months ago. We identify the top-performing creatives from this period – the ones that were giving us high ROAS or low cost per conversion.

If these creatives are contextually relevant and align with our current messaging, they’re used in our scaling campaigns. If they’re not, we tweak them until they do.

Did it work? Well, as of today, every single one of the accounts is back in the green and functioning smoothly.

The best part about this strategy? It’s a surefire, low-effort method to avoid getting overwhelmed and lets us focus our energies where they’re most needed.

So, the next time your ad account seems to be heading south, hit the reset button with previously successful campaigns. Don’t forget to use the post ID of the old ads to maintain social proof, giving you that extra edge.

📹 Buzzing Highlights from My Social Media 📸

Hot on the heels of that AI tool prompt, I’m thrilled to introduce our upcoming AI-powered product. We’ve been using AI extensively at Baweja Media to increase efficiency, banish procrastination, and supercharge our decision-making and research. Now, we’re all set to share this game-changer with you. Get a jumpstart on the AI revolution! Pre-book our AI prompts and tools bundle now for just ₹399. Hurry, this is a special pre-launch price. Post-launch, the price will rise to ₹999.

That’s all for this week! Until next time,


Sannidhya Baweja.