Do LinkedIn followers matter in 2023?

Here’s why getting followers on LinkedIn should not be your checklist in 2023(logic explained!)


Here’s the thing:

Growing on Linkedin doesn’t mean amassing followers. Growth on LinkedIn is directly proportional to the kind of connections you will make and the quality of networks you’ve already made.

Phew, I’ve been wanting to say this for so long.

Because, I’ve had numerous people ask me the same question every day.

“Sannidhya, how do I grow on Linkedin as a newbie?”

Whereas the question should be…

“Sannidhya, how to get relevant people to network with and talk to on LinkedIn as a newbie?”

Take it from someone who has more than 36K followers on Linkedin…


If you’re on Linkedin to become a social media influencer or to gain followers, I would recommend platforms like Reddit or Twitter.

Because these platforms, trust me, have better algorithms designed to get you more followers.

However, if you’re on LinkedIn, you should have the clarity that without great connections, this platform will get you neither clients nor money:)

Oh, and the best part is- The number of people on LinkedIn who’re willing to help you out is far more than what you think. (Isn’t that awesome, I mean aaaaah)

So, next time, send that cold DM that you’ve been dreading sending all this while thinking it won’t work out.

Because it might:)

Good vibes only today yall, peace out.

Sannidhya’s Pick Of The Week!

From this article onward, I’m going to recommend some of the BEST business tools out there, that have helped me tremendously to build my Social Media Marketing agency and grow my business.
These tools have helped me automate my processes and saved me a heck loads of time and I’m pretty sure they’re gonna save yours too.

Towards the end of this section, I would also be putting my affiliate link to purchase that product, which means that if you purchase that tool with my link, I will get a commission(don’t worry, you won’t be charged more!).

If you find my content helpful, it would mean a lot if you would purchase these tools from my affiliate link because that would support me and my business and I would definitely be able to serve you better:)

Have you found yourself explaining the exact same thing over and over when you can actually just record yourself explaining it?

Thanks to Loom, it has never been easier to make high-quality recordings, for tutorials, walkthroughs, or demos.

I use Loom pretty much every day and here’s why I feel it’s indispensable for my business: ✅It helps me record whatever I want, whenever I want.
✅It has made it ridiculously easy for me to send a video response to my teammates in just a few clicks.
✅ With Loom, I can record screen or camera or even both. Loom can be used both on your phones and PCs. I personally prefer using Loom’s desktop app version instead of the web version.
✅Loom creates a shareable link on the go, which helps me to share it on multiple platforms like Slack, Gmail, or even Linkedin.
✅I LOVE using Loom to onboard new clients and send tutorials to interns in my organization because of the absolute that Loom provides.
✅ It saves the bandwidth of a lot of my teammates- saving approximately 10 hours per person. (How insane is that?)
✅Helps me to create a really good impression on future prospects. *wink wink*

Loom is my absolute favorite video creation tool. 10/10 recommended for all agency owners.

P.S. I even urge my team to use Loom, so you can only guess how much of a time-saver it is! 😎

If you’re looking for an easy-to-use and easy-to-learn video creation tool, then you need to look no further than Loom.

Hands down, one of the best purchases I’ve made in my life.

If you’re ready to get started with Loom, check them out here🙂

Sannidhya’s Facebook ads HACK of the week:

So how to come up with better Facebook ads in under 10 minutes or less?

1. Write down the demographics of your audience.

2. Figure out the Fashion influencer popular in that demographics by doing a simple search on youtube.

Example: office fashion

3. Pick up 2 to 3 channels/influencers.

4. Go to their Instagram page.

5. Check out the format of the reels they are using.

6. Copy that. (this will help you increase the CTR, thus decreasing the CPC)

7. Go to the comments section of your brand as well as your competitors and see what are the major grievances and most asked questions.

8. Address those in the reels.

Try this and you will see an influx of orders at the cheapest cost per acquisition.
And while you are at it. Do the same on TikTok ads as well.

I’ll see you next week?
