Business Secret

My little business secret?


The other day, I binge-watched one of Bob Ross’s videos on YouTube and heard him say, “If you do things that make you happy, you’ll be a happy person.”

Simple but profound, isn’t it?

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So many business owners dread their work behind the curtain, yet manage to smile on social media. Me? I take it easy. I have proper boundaries. And, honestly, boundaries mean all the difference between what everyone else is doing vs knowing what’s best for your business. So today, I thought I’d talk about one of my own personal boundaries in business that keep work enjoyable, low-stress, and burnout-proof. 🙂

Boundary #1: Telling my inner perfectionist to STFU:) This one’s a little different. It involves setting a boundary with yourself – specifically, the critical, perfectionistic voice in your own head.

I started working on this by practicing awareness.

More specifically, by simply noticing any self-critical thoughts and reminding myself that those come from old wounds/things I was fed by other people when I was younger which are not rooted in the truth.

Then I try to do something to come back into the present moment, whether that’s orienting to the space around me or taking some mindful breaths.

Maybe next time your inner critic is too loud, simply say to yourself, “I notice I’m having the thought that…” and see if it feels a little bit lighter.

And most importantly, know that you’re not alone. <3 If you’re a business owner who’s still working your way through expanding your business, the next few newsletters are going to be very crucial for you, so stay tuned:)

Sannidhya’s Facebook ads HACK of the week: Easy but effective ways to make your Facebook ads better

1. Customer testimonial: I have seen CPC slashing down and CR going off the roof with simple customer handovers. (both in B2b as well as in B2C)

2. AIDA carousels: If you don’t know what AIDA is then I would suggest you check out the video by Chris DO on the same on YouTube. You’d yourself be convinced that this has to work.

3. Sync landing page with ads: Remove out-of-stock products from the ads as well. This happens more than often with so many e-commerce brands. Perform a regular audit to combat the same.

4. Incorporate CTA: Have a perfect ask. If you don’t clearly tell them what you want, they are not going to be able to guess the same.

5. Incorporate FOMO: If there is no cost associated with inaction then people would procrastinate. That’s normal human behavior. Since money is involved over here so please do so.

Write back to me if you’ve any doubts. I will reply within 24 hours, I promise! Also, Don’t worry, you got this!🫂

Until next week, SB:)