Lindy Effect in FB ads! (crazy discovery)

Do you know what non-perishable things are? The ones that don’t go bad or rot away after a certain period of time!

Pretty basic thing to talk about, no? 

Well, this is what the Lindy effect is based on! 

So, Wikipedia defines the Lindy effect as a theorized phenomenon by which the future life expectancy of some non-perishable things, like a technology or an idea, is proportional to their current age.

You know, one wouldn’t think of it being related to Facebook ads as such, but that is not true. 

I would go as far as saying that running Facebook ads is probably the one place where it is the most relevant. 

Let me explain how that works. 

So, let’s just say that I have had an ad up and running for about 2 weeks now. 

Now if it does not see a dip or a fall in the Cost-per-lead or Cost-per acquisition, that means that the particular ad is going to last at least 6 or 7 months! 

Why is that? 

The reason is simple! 

If the ad was able to resonate with the audience and was able to maintain good terms for that duration, that simply means that more people will most likely find it relatable. 

I mean, it’ll work for most people which will automatically extend the lifeline of the ad! 

I find it quite interesting, to be honest, and I’m sure you will too. 

If you’ve FB ads before, what is the longest time any of your ads has run? Reply to this email and lemme know!

Here’s what happened in the IROF community last week

In this section, I’m gonna share with you the exciting developments that have been happening in my Facebook Ads Community. 

As you may already know, this community is a hub for marketers, advertisers, and business owners to exchange ideas, discuss strategies, and share success stories. 

From new features and updates to innovative campaigns and breakthrough results, there is so much to learn and be inspired by. So, make sure you don’t miss out on these highlights and keep reading to find out what’s been going on.

Last week, I received a question from Ramisha Rani K:

And Abhishek B gave his solution!

It’s wonderful to see our community engage with each other and challenge themselves in such a fun and creative way. 

I’m so happy that each member of the community feels at home and that all of us collectively learn from each other.

Now, if you also want to ask anything related to Facebook ads, the best way to do so is through the community. As I just said, I have personally learned so much from the discussions and interactions with other members- and you can too!
How can you join the community? You’ll gain instant access to my premium community once you purchase my advanced ebook- IROF, which is a game changer if you’re a Facebook ads expert. 

Plus, imagine getting all your Facebook ad-related queries solved through detailed video messages(that’s not something to be missed out on).  

So, go ahead, check out my book and I’ll see you inside:

Here’s what happened on my Socials:

Video ads have become THE thing in the digital world. 

But how important are they? How can you make the most out of them? 

Watch my latest video for tips and tricks related to video ads!

On Instagram, I did a collab post with @thesocialtip AGAIN! I am absolutely loving the process of creating collab posts and am constantly reaching out to other creators for collaborations. So, keep an eye out on my IG, but meanwhile, read my latest collab post here:

Also, a gentle reminder that all my reels can be found in one place in the guide option on my IG, check it out here:

Sannidhya’s Facebook ads HACK of the week:

Want a sure-shot way of decreasing the CPM?

Here we go!

Use bright colors!

Here are a few hexacodes:

  1. #EE4B2B
  2. #FFF700
  3. #FFF000
  4. #FDFF00
  5. #A7F432
  6. #87FF2A
  7. #1974D2
  8. #08E8DE
  9. #FF007F

Depending upon what is closest to your brand color, use it inside your creatives and see the CPM drop.

The idea is to make them stop the thumb scroll.

You can also use a gradient like this👇 to make it more prominent.

Bonus tip: Using extreme human emotions has decreased my CPM in the eCommerce industry by 23%. On a scale, this is way too much, to be honest! For inspiration, check out Mr. Beast’s thumbnails.

See you next week, 
