I fired two of my clients last week… Here’s what happened.

I fired two of my clients last week… Here’s what happened.


Last week was a roller coaster ride in my entrepreneurship journey.

You often come across people with red flags in your life.

Even as an entrepreneur, I have come across many clients who put up with unreasonable demands and expect us to help them with the same. (I think freelancers would relate the most here).

A similar thing happened to me last week, so I had to fire two of my clients. (Yes, you can fire your clients too!).

And well, I always count the lessons of life as experiences, and the experience I learned from this incident is:

There are two types of people one should never work with.

One, people who are complacent, and two, those who expect a lot from you but are not ready to put in the amount of effort for that.

See, working with clients is a two-way street; if your client is not ready to put in the effort with you, they cannot expect the results.

It’s better to let such people go so you can have space to hire new and better clients plus, you can save yourself from the mental trauma that’s coming next.

From now on, I’ll try to be more careful about the red flags before hiring a new client.

And if anything like this happens again, I won’t hesitate to fire them again. 😉

Here’s what happened in the IROF community last week

In this section, I’m gonna share with you the exciting developments that have been happening in my  Facebook Ads Community .

As you may already know, this community is a hub for marketers, advertisers, and business owners to exchange ideas, discuss strategies, and share success stories.

From new features and updates to innovative campaigns and breakthrough results, there is so much to learn and be inspired by. So, make sure you don’t miss out on these highlights and keep reading to find out what’s been going on.

Last week, I received a question from Meet:

Instead of simply typing out a response, I felt that it would be more impactful to deliver a personalized video message directly to them.

And I believe it can provide valuable insights for everyone in our community.

That’s why I’m sharing it here with all of you, in the hopes that it will shed light on the topic and help answer any similar questions that may arise. This is also a chance for you to get your hands on the video answers that you may have missed in the community:)

You can find the link to the video answer here:  https://www.awesomescreenshot.com/video/14924741?key=e604fe66d728bac5a26c0d6335428eca 

Now, if you also want to ask anything related to Facebook ads, the best way to do so is through the community.

Now how can you join the community? You’ll gain instant access to my premium community once you purchase my  Advanced eBook- IROF , which is a game changer if you’re a Facebook ads expert.

Plus, imagine getting all your Facebook ads-related queries solved through detailed video messages(that’s not something to be missed out on).

So, go ahead, check out my book and I’ll see you inside:

Here’s what happened on my Socials

As an Facebook ads expert, I keep on building and rebuilding my arsenal of tools and extensions that would make my life easier when it comes to Facebook ads. So, last week I posted a detailed video on the top 5 extensions that I use as a Facebook ads expert.

Click on the video link to learn more:

In other news, I have also clubbed all of my reels in the guide option on my IG profile, so y’all can  check out all my last week’s reels  from there:

Sannidhya’s Facebook ads HACK of the week

Have you ever clicked on an ad because you liked that red shoe? Or that white bag?

Yes, I know you have.

Once in a while, we do come across products that motivate us to click on an ad.

Only to find out the product is not on the landing page.

It always ruins my website experience!

I never feel like clicking any of their ads.

But this was just a trigger to my next experimentation.

Here are the findings

1. If you are not showcasing the product that is displayed in the product, then your ROI drops by 159.87%.

2. If you are not using the exact phrase used in the ad copy, then the ROI drops by 76.22%.

3. If you don’t have the same offer percentage displayed on the landing page, then the ROI decreases by a staggering 243.61%.

These are the results that my agency saw in the last 5 months across many industries.

Yes, social media ads have made our life easier and given us outstanding results, but there are a few simple things that you can keep in mind to improve it further.

I hope this helps!

Okay, I know you’ve already read the book, and you know how much value the book provides.

After repeated requests from my community, I also launched an  Advanced Facebook Ads Course  as an extension to my eBook-IROF.

People who’ve bought the course mentioned that the course is BONKERS and that it is a must have for every Facebook ads marketer out there. If you feel this is something you want to check out, click on the button below:

See you next week,

SB 🙂