Scale Up Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads Hack #4- Scale Up Your Facebook Ads Campaigns in 2022

Welcome to another important Facebook ads hack that will help you grow your business.

This post will cover how to scale Facebook ad campaigns vertically.

SCALING Facebook ads!

A word that excites every business owner and scares the hell out of every Facebook Ads Expert.

Johnny Depp Freaking out because he doesn't know how to scale Facebook ads vertically

Business owners feel that the more they throw in money, the greater their revenue will be at the same ROAS/ROI.

But, only Facebook ads experts like us know the reality.

If you are getting a ROAS of 9 at a limited budget, then obviously, as you scale up the budget, ROAS will come down to 3 or 4.

And that is the reality!

But, trust me, the reality doesn’t have to be that harsh!

What if I told you that you could vertically scale up your campaigns with only a 1 or 2 basis point drop in your ROAS?

You might say this is crazy!

I have created this post to prove that I am not crazy and that this hack works.

Everyone has a different method to scale Facebook ads horizontally and vertically.

How to scale Facebook ads vertically?

Before getting into that, let’s first understand what vertical scaling is.

It is one of the methods of scaling where you pick up a winning audience and then try to increase the amount spent on that particular audience.

Now, I do it two ways:

✔ The first one is by gradually increasing the budget by 20%. Every time I do, I let the campaign run for 2 to 3 days until it stabilizes, and then I keep repeating this process of increasing the budget and waiting till the campaign is profitable for me.

✔ The second method is by making a similar campaign by duplicating it and using the same audience but with different kinds of ads

The first method helps me avoid the auction overlap, and the second one allows me to scale up faster and gives me a scope for testing other creatives.

PS: There is a very big if and but when it comes to a 20% increase in the budget. Don’t comment on things like if I am spending $2/day and I want to reach $2000/day, then it will take an eternity to get there. Be smart and understand the context!

Therefore, here is a video where I’ve briefly explained these pointers.

That’s it in today’s Facebook ads Hacks class. If you want to learn more about Facebook ads and how to convert customers through it, get my Facebook ads course here.

The next Facebook ads hack is about how to structure test campaigns for the best results? Do check it out.

If you want me to bring customers to your business from Facebook, book a call with me.

Welcome to another important Facebook ads hack that will help you grow your business.

This post will cover how to scale Facebook ad campaigns vertically.

SCALING Facebook ads!

A word that excites every business owner and scares the hell out of every Facebook Ads Expert.

Johnny Depp Freaking out because he doesn't know how to scale Facebook ads vertically

Business owners feel that the more they throw in money, the greater their revenue will be at the same ROAS/ROI.

But, only Facebook ads experts like us know the reality.

If you are getting a ROAS of 9 at a limited budget, then obviously, as you scale up the budget, ROAS will come down to 3 or 4.

And that is the reality!

But, trust me, the reality doesn’t have to be that harsh!

What if I told you that you could vertically scale up your campaigns with only a 1 or 2 basis point drop in your ROAS?

You might say this is crazy!

I have created this post to prove that I am not crazy and that this hack works.

Everyone has a different method to scale Facebook ads horizontally and vertically.

How to scale Facebook ads vertically?

Before getting into that, let’s first understand what vertical scaling is.

It is one of the methods of scaling where you pick up a winning audience and then try to increase the amount spent on that particular audience.

Now, I do it two ways:

✔ The first one is by gradually increasing the budget by 20%. Every time I do, I let the campaign run for 2 to 3 days until it stabilizes, and then I keep repeating this process of increasing the budget and waiting till the campaign is profitable for me.

✔ The second method is by making a similar campaign by duplicating it and using the same audience but with different kinds of ads

The first method helps me avoid the auction overlap, and the second one allows me to scale up faster and gives me a scope for testing other creatives.

PS: There is a very big if and but when it comes to a 20% increase in the budget. Don’t comment on things like if I am spending $2/day and I want to reach $2000/day, then it will take an eternity to get there. Be smart and understand the context!

Therefore, here is a video where I’ve briefly explained these pointers.

That’s it in today’s Facebook ads Hacks class. If you want to learn more about Facebook ads and how to convert customers through it, get my Facebook ads course here.

The next Facebook ads hack is about how to structure test campaigns for the best results? Do check it out.

If you want me to bring customers to your business from Facebook, book a call with me.