Get High Open Rates

Here’s how you can get a high open rate (40%+)


A couple of weeks ago, my ebook(IROF) crossed the mark of 500 purchases, and I (and my team, of course) was SO SO happy. Whoop!

And I was sitting there wondering what I did to get everything right.

I took a notebook and jotted down everything that I felt would have contributed to such a high number of purchases, and that too within two months of its launch.

In this article, I’ll dive into one of those reasons: high email open rates!


If you’re wondering what an open rate is, it’s the percentage of people in your email list who opened your email.

Currently, my email open rate stands somewhere around 40%.

Which is enormous, right? I mean, I just started my email list around two months ago.

And here we are!

Okay, so enough of the bragging.

Let’s get straight to the point.

How did I do it?

Well, here’s how:

1. I give you a relatable story every GOD DAMN time you open my email. 

That means, if you read my newsletters every week, you’re habitual to reading stories.

Plus, on the other hand, I know that you love reading stories, so I make sure that every newsletter has one.

Now, if I plan on writing anything factual in my newsletter, I make it a point to weave it around a story.

And guess what? It works. ALWAYS.

2. I don’t write overwhelming paragraphs. 

Remember, if you want people to understand what you’re saying, you must drop down to the level of an 8th grader’s English capacity.

And I learned this from Alex Hormozi. 

For some reason, we keep using these big fancy words and expect people to know those words.
But as soon as people hear/read something they don’t understand, they stop listening/reading.

You don’t want that.

So, instead of saying, “A/B testing involves testing two possible options by delivering them to two different audiences and directly comparing their success.”…

Try saying, “A/B testing is when different versions of a product are used to see which one is liked more by the customer.”

Do this and thank me later:)

P.S. In the following newsletters, I’ll talk about how I went from 300-400 IG story views to 1k+ story views using a simple technique, so stay tuned for that!

Sannidhya’s Facebook ads HACK of the week:

Do you know how to use this powerful tool to its maximum potential?👇

I am talking about the Facebook ads breakdown!

Now you would be thinking that it is a thing of the past!

And I am here to tell you that IT ISN’T!

It is still as powerful as it was in the pre-IOS-14 era.

Check out the video to find out how I use Facebook ads breakdown to get the maximum out of it!

See you next week,