FB Ads Hack #16- Facebook Ads Mistakes You Should Avoid

Hey there, welcome back to Facebook Ads Hack class 16. Today we are going to learn about the Facebook Ads Mistake, which should be avoided.

The unimaginable pressure of not committing a Facebook Ads mistake is…..

Waking up with the fear of overspending the client’s budget overnight is something we all have faced.

The intensity and the repercussions of the mistakes committed here are more apparent and lethal than in any other domain you pick up.

If you added an extra 0 to the budget, you are doomed!

You forgot replying to comments; your competitor lures away your warmed-up customers!

If you pick up the wrong objective, Facebook will start bringing irrelevant traffic!

Basically, every basic mistake made can cost you millions of dollars.

I have done that with one of my long-term clients out of the blue.

Luckily, I didn’t get fired but I started keeping a track of these silly mistakes since then.

But keeping track wasn’t enough! Unless I have a remedy for the same.

After spending a lot of time obsessing over the problems, I was able to find simple and foolproof solutions for these basic problems.

In this video, I have covered all the basic but lethal mistakes an advertiser can commit and how to make sure that you aren’t that advertiser!

That’s it in today’s Facebook ads Hacks class. If you want to learn more about Facebook ads and how to convert customers through it, get my Facebook Ads course here.

If you want me to bring customers to your business through Facebook ads, Book a call with me!

Regards, SB:)