Change Facebook video ads thumbnails like a pro

Facebook Ads Hack #10- How To change your Facebook Video Ads Thumbnails?

Hey, welcome back to the Facebook Ads Hack class. In this blog, we can learn How to change Facebook Video Ads Thumbnails.

Do you know you can change your Facebook video ads thumbnails?

Friends GIF

Yes, you heard that correctly.

But before that, you might ask why one would want to do that?

After all, everyone has enabled autoplay, so the video will automatically play, and nobody would see the thumbnail, right?


With the data that I have collected from my ad account, almost more than 10% of views come from the Facebook users who have clicked the video to watch the ad.

That means not everyone has enabled autoplay!

Now that you know that people haven’t turned it on and contribute 10% of the Facebook user base, you obviously can’t ignore them.

Therefore, it only makes sense to get your thumbnail game on!

But where do you change the thumbnails? Follow these steps:

Facebook Video Ads Thumbnails

If you have uploaded videos customized to each of the placements, then you will have to do the same for the rest of the groups as well, and if you have uploaded the video only in one dimension, then you don’t.

Facebook Video Ads Thumbnail change

And, that’s it!

If you want to create awesome-looking thumbnails like me, then visit these youtube channels:

1. Mr. Beast

2. Deep Pocket Monster

3. VidIq

4. Labor Law Advisor

Trust me; there is no better place to take inspiration from than youtube channels because their whole channel is dependent on thumbnails and titles. (straight from my personal experience)

Also, if you wish to see my thumbnails which have got me 9.5 CTR, check out my Youtube channel for inspiration!

Youtube insights

That’s it in today’s Facebook ads Hacks class. If you want to learn more about Facebook ads and how to convert customers through it, get my Facebook ads course here.

The next Facebook ads hack is about Attribution. Do check it out.

If you want me to bring customers to your business through Facebook ads, book a call with me.

Until next time, SB:)