Guide better, balance better, and work better – Here’s how!

 Does the CEO-ing part of working look fun?

(I know that’s not a word, lol, don’t come at me for that!) 

It does? It feels like fun to me. 

For the past few days, I have been more focused on execution rather than taking on my role as a leader. 

At the top of the organization, it is my role to guide and show the right direction, which my team then follows. 

What I mean by execution here is getting my hands dirty or doing the work myself. 

Because that is what helps me get familiar with the nitty gritty of doing a certain work, after which I can then guide better. 

Now, while I was doing this, engaged in execution, I kind of overlooked the bigger picture in my business. 

Executing gets you into survival mode; it reminds me of Bear Grylls; that man ate anything to survive.

On the other hand, focusing on the bigger picture gives you room for growth because then you can go on to build frameworks and roadmaps, which are helpful in the long run. 

Do you get my point? 

Getting work done and execution is important, yes. 

But, more important is to strike a balance between execution and looking at the picture as a whole.

As a CEO, I have to be the one to make my employees realize that they are part of a bigger execution process where what they do is important because that is what will set the next thing in motion. 

Work goes about in a chain. 

And a CEO needs to be the one to link that chain altogether. 

So, guide better, balance better, and work better!

Do you think this type of balance comes naturally, or is it learned? 

Let me know by replying to this email! 

Here’s what happened in the IROF community last week

In this section, I’m gonna share with you the exciting developments that have been happening in my Facebook Ads Community. 

As you may already know, this community is a hub for marketers, advertisers, and business owners to exchange ideas, discuss strategies, and share success stories. 

From new features and updates to innovative campaigns and breakthrough results, there is so much to learn and be inspired by. So, make sure you don’t miss out on these highlights and keep reading to find out what’s been going on.

Last month, I had received a question from Shivam Goyal:

And this was my reply:

The IROF community is a bunch of Facebook ad fanatics who love sharing their successes and obstacles, and how they tackled them head-on. It’s like a big, supportive family of people who are all on the same page.

I can’t recommend this group enough – in fact, I wish it had existed when I first started dabbling in FB ads seven years ago. 

But you know what they say: if you can’t find the community you want, create it yourself! 7 years later, that’s exactly what I did.

Now how can you join the community? You’ll gain instant access to my premium community once you purchase my advanced ebook- IROF, which is a game changer if you’re a Facebook ads expert. 

Plus, imagine getting all your Facebook ad-related queries solved through detailed video messages(that’s not something to be missed out on).  

So, go ahead, check out my book, and I’ll see you inside:

Here’s what happened on my Socials:

Last week, I posted a video on the psychology behind social proof and why it is an awesome way to build brand trust and authenticity. I will also be posting another video exploring HOW you can use social proof in your ads effectively but you would first need to understand the WHY before getting into the HOW.
You can find the link to the video here and stay tuned for PART 2!

On IG, I have recently done a collab post with @thesocialtip on how you can run FB ads on a tight budget. It’s a good read, so check out our post here and do comment your doubts:

Sannidhya’s Facebook ads HACK of the week:

Are you currently struggling with high CPC?

If yes, then you are in luck!

The best way to decrease your CPC right now is by using dynamic copies!

As you can see, I am using all the primary texts for myself. Like, literally, all of them!

Create multiple ad copies and let Facebook serve them to your audience based on their behavior and interests. This can increase the relevance of your ads and lead to a lower CPC. Make sure your ad content is original and engaging, tailored to your target audience’s needs and desires.

To give some context, this is my TOFU ad, where I give people a reason to follow me, and I am using all of them.

With these tactics, I was able to achieve significant results. Before using dynamic copy, my TOFU ad was getting a CPC of ₹9.65, as shown in the first screenshot. However, after implementing this hack, my CPC decreased to ₹3.98, as shown in the second screenshot.

However, after implementing this hack, my CPC decreased to ₹3.98, as shown in the second screenshot.

Also, you must be wondering about such a small budget and how this guy is making deductions!

Well, if you have read the book, then you already know how I do things and what I am going to do with this ad!

See you next week, 
