How to get 50%+ open rate on emails

 I have a 50%+ open rate on my emails…here’s why


Recently, I had one of my team members ask me the secret to getting a 50% email open rate because, trust me, 50% ain’t a joke🙃

Below you’ll find 3 reasons I told them while answering the question…

1. I deliver value
– And by value, I mean MAD value. All my emails are well-thought and written with the aim to provide you with the best of what I know regarding the subject matter.
– Each email has something that you can take away after reading the entire thing. So, it’s no doubt that my email subscribers(you hehe) know what you’re in for when they open my emails.

2. I take consent
I DO NOT send anyone my emails without asking them. I use 2 techniques here-
– One, before purchasing my eBook, I tell people explicitly that you would be getting email newsletters from me. This initiates transparency between my community and me. 
– And secondly, if someone missed opening my emails 10 times in a row, I stop sending them emails. That’s pretty much it.

Look, here’s the thing.

It’s not a game of numbers. It has never been.

The idea is not to blindly send something that people don’t even want in the first place.

What truly matters is whether or not you have people who value what you’re providing and building a community around it:)

Sannidhya’s Pick Of The Week!
Before reading on, I want you to know that this email contains affiliate links, meaning I receive a commission when you sign up for any tool with my link – at no additional cost to you!

These recommendations can save you time and/or accelerate your success, as they did for me! 

I ONLY recommend stuff I truly believe in and have *personally* used.

(This really helps support my lil business, and I appreciate you so, so much! <3)

Today we’re talking about ConvertKit.

Now that we’ve talked about email open rates above, it would only be fair to mention that ConvertKit is my favourite email service provider:)

Here’s how:

✅Ease of use: Creating forms, landing pages, sending emails, segmenting your audience- all of these are so easy-to-do and intuitive on ConvertKit that you’ll never need Google to figure stuff out.

✅Integrations: Super useful feature wherein I connect all the tools I use for my business, for example, ClickFunnel, Teachable, Shopify, Squarespace, etc.

✅Reasonable pricing: I find the pricing very very flexible. Even if you’re using the free plan, the delivery rate of ConvertKit is pretty good. I mean, see for yourself:

✅Awesome customer support: What’s to say, they treat you like one of their own- with or without the paid plan:)

✅Free migration from any tool: ConvertKit allows me to migrate from any tool without any hassle.

✅Solid automation: If you’ve watched my webinar, you must have seen the follow-up emails that I sent. They’re awesome, and literally anyone, I repeat, ANYONE can set them up.

✅Unlimited Broadcasts: Because ConvertKit charges you on the basis of the number of email subscribers you have, you can send as many emails as you want without any extra charges:)

ConvertKit has been one of my biggest assets when it comes to running email marketing campaigns for my business.
If you feel you want to check them out.

Sannidhya’s Facebook ads HACK of the week:

Did you know that using “you” in the ad copy increases your CPC and CPM?

Which leads to a higher CPA and CPL!

So try avoiding “you” in your ad copy.

I know I told you to use “you” a few days ago when I was discussing Email Marketing, but apparently, Facebook doesn’t like personalization.

So, not just “you,” try avoiding all the words that you feel will personalize the ad copy.

Feel free to reply to this email, incase you want to know more:)

Otherwise, I’ll talk to you next week?
Until next time,