What if I told you there’s a crucial metric for video ads on Facebook that you’re likely missing out on? A metric that could make or break the success of your video ads from the very first second they appear in a user’s feed?
Introducing the First Frame Retention!
So you’re scrolling through your Facebook feed, and a video ad pops up. Now, think about what makes you stop and watch.
That’s exactly what the First Frame Retention is.
It measures whether your video can make people stop their scroll from the very first second.
Think of the First Frame Retention as the online version of a store window. If you’re walking down the street, you’ll stop and look inside only if something in the window grabs your attention immediately. The same principle applies here.
In Facebook video ads, that first frame is your “storefront”—it needs to excite viewers to stick around. If people aren’t stopping to watch your video, maybe your “storefront”—your first frame—needs to be rethought.
Why is this such a big deal? We already have a Hook Rate and Hold Rate, right?
Those metrics come later in the viewer’s journey, but none of them matter if people don’t stop scrolling in the first place.
Your First Frame Retention directly impacts everything that comes next—engagement, click-through rates, and conversions. If people don’t stop to watch your video in the first second, they won’t see the value or message you’ve packed into the rest of your ad.
Your First Frame Retention should ideally be above 90%. A low Ratio means your ad’s opening frame isn’t cutting it.
But what exactly could be going wrong? Here are some common pitfalls:
- Weak Visual Appeal – The first second lacks the dynamism needed to grab attention.
- Delayed Product Introduction – Viewers don’t know what they’re looking at.
- No Clear Message – The ad doesn’t immediately communicate value or interest.
Boosting Your First Frame Retention
You’ve understood the problem; now, let’s dive into an actionable solution.
1. Start with Impact
Make the first second bold and dynamic. Use eye-catching visuals, fast-paced action, or an intriguing setup to immediately pull viewers in.
2. Show the Product Early
Don’t wait to introduce what you’re selling. People need to know what they’re watching right from the get-go. Consider featuring your product or service in the very first frame.
3. Use Text Overlays
Not everyone has sound on when they’re scrolling, so overlaying text that highlights a key benefit or value proposition can help instantly communicate your message.
4. Optimize for Mobile
The majority of Facebook users are on mobile, so make sure your video loads quickly, is easy to view on smaller screens, and doesn’t lose quality when compressed.
At the end of the day, every ad that you make boils down to one simple thing: grabbing attention. If your ad doesn’t stop people from scrolling, the rest of your hard work goes unseen.
That’s why the First Frame Retention matters more than you think.
So, before you pour more money into ads, take a closer look at your first frame. Ask yourself, Would I stop and watch this? If the answer’s no, it’s time to rethink your storefront. Nail that first second, and your audience will do the rest.
Happy advertising.