Introducing The Baweja Buzz

Introducing The Baweja Buzz: Your Weekly Guide to Facebook Ads and More

Hello and welcome to the rebranded version of our weekly newsletter! 

As you may have noticed, we have changed our name to “The Baweja Buzz” to give our newsletter a fresh identity.

Starting this Saturday at 6:30 PM IST, you can look forward to receiving weekly updates on all the things that I used, learned, workshops watched, and seasons that I am currently watching. I will also share how these experiences are helping me make decisions and pivot inside Facebook ads. This newsletter is currently complimentary to any book or course purchases you have made, but please use it while it is free of cost as I plan to make it a paid newsletter in the future.

Now, let’s talk about what happened this week.

A crazy thing happened – one of my accounts got hacked last week, and the hacker spent £181,000+ in just 2 hours. This was a scary experience, and I will be making a video about it and including it in my course soon. This incident taught me the importance of being careful and vigilant when it comes to account security.

Moving on, I had the chance to review the spend distribution across my ad account for the month of April, and I was surprised to see that over 50% of the spending went to Instagram reels. This just shows that Instagram reels are the hottest property right now, and you need to tap into this opportunity as soon as possible.

I also attended a seminar with Meta this week on leveraging the power of reels. One important point that was emphasized is to be imperfect, amateur, and make mistakes in your videos. People no longer appreciate highly polished and branded content, so creating videos that are authentic and real is key to success in your ad account.

That’s all for this week’s edition of “The Baweja Buzz”. I hope you found it informative and useful. Look out for the next edition next Saturday at 6:30 PM IST for more insights and updates.

Best regards,

Sannidhya Baweja