Building a Robust Facebook Ads Strategy for a New E-commerce Client

Hello Digital Marketing Enthusiasts,

Imagine this: a fresh e-commerce client lands in your lap, their Facebook ad account practically barren, almost no data inside. How do you craft a strategy to take them from virtual unknowns to market contenders? This 11th edition of Baweja Buzz will chronicle our journey through such a challenge and hopefully answer your pressing questions:

1. How do we research and understand the industry?

2. How do we audit their accounts?

3. How do we structure their accounts?

4. Who are our target audiences?

Join us as we peel back the curtains and share our thought process, right from square one.

Research: The Catalyst to Our Strategy

Now, imagine if you had a tool to eliminate the need for a first draft. Well, Chat GPT from OpenAI does just that. It served as our trusty companion in the initial stages of our research. We asked Chat GPT two key questions:

– “Imagine you are a Facebook ads expert, and you need to advertise for the [x industry]. What implicit things should you know about this industry before starting your research?”

– “Now, as a Facebook ads expert with 10 years of experience, what questions should you answer to prepare a robust strategy for Facebook ads? Don’t give me generic answers. Think outside the box about the things people often forget.”

Not only does Chat GPT provide invaluable industry insights, but it also helps identify those often overlooked areas that can give your strategy that extra edge. Now, this is just one of the 500+ prompts we use, and we have collated them in a comprehensive swipe file along with 200+ AI tools. You can access them for your business Click here. Trust me, you won’t regret it!

Armed with insights from Chat GPT, we moved to the next crucial step: hands-on workshops with the client. Through extensive discussions (1-2 hours long), we dove deep into their business, competitors, audience, and goals. It’s an enlightening process, not only for us but for the client too. Something about this exercise always seems to build trust and respect – a magic that never fails to amaze me!

The Audit Process: Diagnosing Pain Points

If you’ve read my book, you’ll be familiar with the concept of the user conversion journey snapshot. If not, here’s a brief explanation: the journey maps out all touchpoints a user has with your brand, from the first interaction to conversion, and beyond. It’s a powerful tool to diagnose where users drop off – the pain points that need fixing.

Our audit consists of two parts. The first focuses on the social media platforms, Facebook and Instagram in our case, and the second on the website. We aim to identify and plug the leaky points to enhance the user experience and conversion rates.

Structuring the Account: Building a Clear Framework

Once we’ve unearthed the potential pitfalls, we switch to a more structured approach. We establish a clear naming convention, create a detailed creative sheet, and formulate a media planning sheet. These tools offer us a quick snapshot of the account status and ensure continuity in case of staff changes. It’s our fail-safe against any disruptions.

Our Strategy and Target Audience: Finding the Winning Combination

With a robust foundation in place, we finally dive into the thrilling waters of strategizing. We begin with a simplified approach, testing out different variables – from creative types and placements to audience age and gender. The aim is to find that perfect combination that resonates with our audience and triggers conversions.

To give you an idea, here is a snapshot of the strategy we crafted. The strategy is influenced by the ideas of Mirella Crispi, founder of Creative Milkshake, whose methods help us frame our creative strategies.

And here is how the structure of the account looks like

Speaking of audience, we always prioritize lookalike audiences of purchasers before expanding our reach. This may seem contradictory to my book (IROF) where I categorize lookalike audiences under MOFU (Middle of Funnel). But here’s a nugget of wisdom – don’t be afraid to adapt and modify strategies based on the specific needs of the client. The beauty of digital marketing is its dynamism!

And there you have it! The complete chronicle of how we built a potent Facebook ad strategy for our e-commerce client. Watch out for our future updates where we share the performance of this account and our optimization steps.

Stay tuned, and remember, marketing is more an art than science!

