Welcome to the 8th edition of Ad Pulse Monday!
For those new to this series, every Monday, I select an ad or ads that I believe have performed exceptionally well. I’ll break down their success factors, key takeaways, and how you can apply these insights to your business.
If you’re already familiar with Ad Pulse Monday, welcome back!
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Without further ado, let’s dive in!
Stunning Ebook Creator
Watch the complete ad here: https://app.minea.com/en/ads/facebook/636640798580139/details?ref=k63dd
1. Thumbnail score:
I’m giving this a 4.5 out of 5. The ad cleverly uses ChatGPT UI along with an arrow, which is a great way to draw attention.
This technique is popular on YouTube as well. The font they’ve used is the same as Instagram’s native font, which should work really well for them.
The only reason I’ve deducted 0.5 is that they haven’t fully utilized the space available.
2. Hook Score:
I’d rate this a 3.5 out of 5. It’s a decent hook, but adding a timeframe would make it even more effective.
When you include a time frame in your headline, like “Get this done in X days,” it helps break the procrastination barrier.
Additionally, a better color for the arrow would have been more impactful, as the current green tends to blend in with the background.
3. Retention Score:
This gets a 2 out of 5 from me. The ad’s 12-second duration is good because people might watch it on a loop to absorb all the information.
However, there’s nothing else that really holds my attention, so I suspect the retention rate will be low, and not many people will watch the video until the end.
4. Click Score:
I’m giving this a solid 5 out of 5. The goal of this ad is not to get people’s credit cards or make them pay. Right now, they just want you to watch the video.
Once you do, you’re more likely to click on it because people tend to be more willing to engage if they’re not being asked for money. Therefore, the ad is likely to get a lot of clicks.
5. Ugly Score:
I’ll give it a 4 out of 5. It looks native and seems like it was made with a very amateur tool. However, it still looks like an ad to me, so I’ve deducted 1 point for that.
This gets a 2 out of 5 from me. It’s too wordy. There are no line breaks, emojis, or bullet points to make the text more digestible.
How can you use this for your business?
- Use elements native to the platform to decrease CPM and enhance recall value.
- Add timeframes and concise messaging to break procrastination and improve click-through rates.
- Make captions more readable by using formatting techniques like line breaks, emojis, and bullet points to boost engagement and comprehension.
Check Out the Landing Page:
Here’s the landing page for this product: https://go2.designrr.io/wordgenie2fbc_id=6372434535058&h_ad_id=6372434535258
This post is packed with insights; I again recommend bookmarking it in your browser for future reference.
Well, that’s all for the post, folks!
Finally, I would like to add that I will continue sending you these ads every Monday, but they alone may not be sufficient for your success as you would want more concepts under your belt.
Therefore, if you are a Facebook ads marketer and want more ads like these for yourself, then go ahead and check out Minea.
Here is the promo code offering you 20% off for 3 months: SANNIDHYA20
And here is my affiliate link: [https://app.minea.com/find-winning-product?ref=k63dd]
Also, let me know which niche’s ad I should pick up next for you. I would love to hear from you.
DISCLAIMER: This post contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission.